Saturday, July 13, 2013

Commanders Palace

To continue with the saga of our NOLA eating adventure. Saturday evening we got dressed up Catie in her nice dress and heels and me in a sport coat and tie! We arrived a few minutes early and they escorted us through the kitchen to the bar. Yes you read that right a trip to the bar goes through the kitchen, go figure. Between the bar and the overflow dining room is a nice patio and so we waited comfortably at a small wrought iron table and umbrella. Right on time they came and got us and took us to our table. This is definitely the most precision run restaurant I have ever seen. We were seated and our drink orders taken and some wonderful garlic bread delivered. They explained that if you wished to have the Bread Pudding Soufflé or the Strawberry Shortcake for desert you must order them with your entrée. We looked over the menu and we both decided on the Beeliner Snapper, turtle soup, salad, and Catie had the Bread Pudding Soufflé and I had the Strawberry Shortcake. I must digress a bit to explain that our reservations were for 9:00 PM. I made those reservations 3 weeks in advance! If you plan on eating there make reservations well in advance. Moving on back to the meal, if you are not familiar with fish a Beeliner is a small snapper that lives in the Gulf in the upper portion of the water column unlike the Red Snapper. It is also Red so it makes a nice presentation and they are a good single serving size. They brought the salad first but I can't remember what dressing I got, it may have been the house special vinaigrette. It was the best salad I have ever had! Then the famous turtle soup. They bring it to the table in a carafe of sorts and then pour it in your bowl, then dress it with a bit of sherry. Everything is pretty showy with two or more waiters and a flourish! I must confess that I am not a fan of turtle soup, and it doesn't have anything to do with the turtle. The turtle was fine but the soup just did not appeal to me. Next time I will have the gumbo; I will be dissapointed in it too because it will never live up to mine! But hey you never know, they might have the second best, but they will have to beat out The Gumbo Shop for second. Well the truth is it won't even be second because all my kin folks make great gumbo so I must say second best restaurant gumbo. The snapper came and it was presented beautifully; it was on the plate as if it were swimming! They partially cook them in the oven then they take them out and dunk them in hot grease holding them in an undulating curve while they fry to a slightly crispy state that will hold its shape on the plate. The fish was good, only good not outstanding but the presentation made the meal. It was getting late but it was now time for dessert. Catie said the Bread Pudding Soufflé was to die for! They bring it to the table hot and puffy along with whiskey sauce. They punch a hole in top of it with a spoon and load it with the whiskey sauce. Once again a nice show! The Strawberry Shortcake was very good, it was not much different that any other Strawberry Shortcake but the shortcake was homemade and it was large. While not extraordinary it was quite good. Whats not to like about shortcake, fresh strawberries and whipped cream? Oh not to forget the coffee! We both had coffee with dessert, it was so strong I simply could not drink it! By the time we finished it was 11:30 PM. We made our way out where the valet parking attendant will hail you a cab. He does not go home until every patron has their car or a cab. Commanders Palace is in the Garden District right across the street from the cemetery where Marie Laveau the Voodoo queen of New Orleans is buried. The garden district is a upscale area but still not one to go wondering around in the dark looking for a cab at midnight! All in all I would recommend it if there is someone special you would like to entertain, plan on spending the evening and plan on a coat and tie. It is expensive, but it is the whole evenings entertainment, and the service is as good as it gets!

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